Universal Studios Hollywood
了解电影的幕后秘辛,参加世界闻名的 影城导览 探索好莱坞电影制作的真实电影场景。然后,迎头体验惊心动魄的骑乘游乐设施、表演节目和景点,让您置身于一些全世界最受欢迎的电影和电视节目场景中。
使用 CityPASS®,游览南加州的顶级主题公园时省时又省钱。
- 只需要一次简单的购买操作,南加州 的一些最好的主题公园的门票就会直接发到您的收件箱。
- 节省研究的时间。CityPASS 门票仅包含如Universal Studios Hollywood这样的最佳景点。请放心,您将看到南加州最好的景点。
- 以下景点的门票 Universal Studios Hollywood:南加州 CityPASS: 您的机票包括好莱坞环球影城一般入场。享受游乐设施,表演和景点,包括世界着名的Studio 导览!
优惠 & 更新
© Nintendo. Nintendo trademarks are properties of Nintendo.
查阅 CityPASS® 旅行者的评论。
南加州 CityPASS
Easy and convenient
可以轻松导航浏览各种报价,如果需要也可以轻易了解详情;所有内容都在同一个地方,所以你知道得到的是什么。第二次使用citypass。绝对是获取景点门票最高效的方式。Easy and affordable
很高兴我们选择了 CityPASS。 我们去了乐高乐园、海洋世界和圣地亚哥动物园,与他们的站点和门外购票的价格相比,我们节省了很多钱!超棒的体验
这既方便又快捷。我很高兴我买了乐高乐园的门票。我购买的是最优惠的四人票。我也对与一位回答我所有问题的代表的聊天感到满意。 我肯定会在下次旅行中使用 City PASS。超省钱而且过程很顺畅
我喜欢,会再次使用。相比原票价,它为我省了钱,而且使用过程非常顺利和简单!Great way to buy Disneyland tickets
Southern California CityPASS is rated
out of
5 by
Rated 5 out of
Tanalove from
CityPASS really helped me save money on amusement and activities for our trip to SoCal. My kids loved the zoo, Safari and SeaWorld. I would buy from CityPASS again in the future
Date published: 2025-03-15
Rated 5 out of
Lisxymxcn from
Great experience
I bought CityPASS to visit universal and it was fast and easy
Date published: 2024-10-03
Rated 5 out of
Travel lots from
Great experience.
I bought tickets to entertain quests and had an amazing experience
Date published: 2024-08-28
Rated 5 out of
Castro family from
Great services
I’m happy whit the service great customer services
Date published: 2024-06-13
Rated 1 out of
MissLovey1011 from
Easy & Money Saver!
I've bought CityPASS Two times & I'll do it again, The tickets get emailed straight to your email & The parks scan the Barcode when you are there entering, No hassle no headaches, I've used these twice & Both 3 day one park per day, Once when my kiddos were younger 4 & 5 then again ages 12 & 13. The 2nd time I used them, I had initially chosen Disneyland two days & California Adventure the 3rd day & Universal Studios 4th day. We decided we liked CA Adventure so much better, Well I easily got on the Disneyland app & changed our park reservation for that certain day & Easy change, The same barcode got us into the park the next day, Universal Studios ticket with no questions asked. & Again No hassle!
Date published: 2024-05-23
Rated 5 out of
RichardH from
Quick easy way to book
I used City Pass a decade ago for a Southern California pass, this was exceptional value. Unfortunately this is not available any more but we were still able to save about $100 over all so still happy.
Date published: 2024-04-29
Rated 1 out of
Jeanette from
No me llegaron los codigos QR
Compre 4 pases en linea, y no me llego el codigo QR, y no kos dejaron entrar a sea world, y tuvimos que comprar boletos, en la entrada, nunca me contestaron por telefono, les mande corre electronicos y ya que habiamos entrado a Sea World con los boletos comprados, me enviaron los pases con codigos, los cuales ya no los usamos.
Pedi mi reembolso, y si me constaton pronto, y esye procedio a los 3 dias, lo cual agradezco. Pero no compraria de nuevo.
Date published: 2024-04-17
Rated 5 out of
Sklon from
Great, good process!
We Bought Legoland tix and the process was flawless!
Date published: 2024-03-29
Rated 1 out of
Happy mom from
question Y
10 years ago this pass was the most awesome affordable way to go, but now what is the point? the discount is false go a search every park is the same cost here. no savings
Date published: 2024-03-07
Rated 5 out of
nellyrobin99 from
Everything I asked for
I used City pass to book a hotel in Anaheim and the price was splendid for the amount of time we spent there, complimentary fresh breakfast every morning, and the close proximity to the park. Absolutely no complains. I also booked Disney tickets through the app. Savings aren't quite as remarkable, but it's something. Would definitely use again.
Date published: 2024-02-02
My CityPASS® 应用提供优质体验所需的所有详细信息,其中包括预订和入场信息、景点详细信息、地图以及合作伙伴提供的额外优惠和折扣。
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